
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Funny (yet very gross) condom story

ok, i was reading this blog and it reminded me of my missing condom story...

i went to visit an out of town boyfriend for the weekend a few years back. we hadn't seen each other in a while, so we went out celebrating before we commenced to fucking. and there was quite a lot of alcohol. and i don't drink much...i get drunk off two drinks (very low EtOH tolerance).

so we get back to the hotel and just start going at it. he's changing condoms faster than a female changes outfits before a friday night date - lol!! since we're both very drunk, we're not really keeping up with them....hell i know i wasn't.

once sober the next day, i asked him if he was keeping up with the condoms. he assures me that each time he finished, he got up and flushed. so i left it at that, until i remembered the pack of colored condoms that i picked up in puerto rico. there was even a glow in the dark one :)~

so i asked him if he remembered flushing "the green one". he says, yeah, i think so. i ask him if he is SURE. he says again that he thinks he did.

so i made him stick his fingers up there - just to check. he didn't feel anything.

the weekend goes by with more fucking (except no more alcohol for me) and i do condom checks each time he gets up. but i keep thinking about the green one.....

i get home, and hmmmmm, my snatch is starting to feel a little itchy....must have gotten a yeast infection, so i immediately run for the monastat (yes i keep it on hand) and begin dosing myself.

three days later, the itching is literally starting to KILL me. the smell of my own pussy was making me GAG!! i was like what the FUCK is wrong with my shit?!?! i called the doctors office at 8:00 am almost in tears and got an appointment for 9:30 am the same day....see they really CAN work your ass into the schedule - if they really want to.

as i begin my morning piss, guess what comes out?


the smell was sooo nasty that if i had eaten breakfast first, i would have puked all that shit right up.

when i got to the doctors office, i warned her about what she was gonna smell and why. she laughed...then she told me HER story:

she also unknowingly had a condom stuck in her, and her boyfriend just kept pushing it further and further up there. until one night she started cramping really bad but no blood came out. he rushed her to the hospital, they found it, and they estimated it had been up there for about a month!! ewwwww!!

shit happens, so do lost condoms. i've been tested several times since then, and thankfully i didn't get anything. so it could have always been worse!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Went to see them scrippers!

i was getting some work done on my car when i heard the announcement on the radio about an "all male revue" happening in columbia, sc this weekend. at the time, i just happened to be with my partner in crime - Cousin Candy - lol!! we looked at each other and just started laughing.

so we went to check out the ticket prices (only $12.00 each), and we said it's ON!!

of course during the week, i have also been speaking to MJ again. when he asked if i had plans for friday, i told him that me and Candy were going to see some scrippers (how country folks pronounce "strippers").

he got real quiet...then he said he was gonna follow us - LOL!! the more we talked about it, the more he kept trying to persuade me not to go. (shit, i had already bought my ticket!) finally he gave up. then he asked me to call him after the show so he would know that me and Candy would get home safely....and maybe he could see me when i got back home???

a-haaaaaa! i see now where this is i agreed to "call him after the show so he would know that me and Candy are safe" and i said it just like that without the "see him when i got back home" at the end.

we left smalltown at about 9:00 pm and the show started at 10:30 pm. columbia is about an hour and a half drive from smalltown for most people, so Candy was worried that we were gonna be late. fuck that shit - i HATE being late, so i was flying like hell. we got to columbia in 40 minutes! go me, go me!

the show was the "black diamonds" and they were off the hook! some were stuffed, some were obviously stuffed, and some of those beefy penises were REAL...especially the one with the right hook. i brought TWO cameras, so i got plenty of pics - LOL!! but it was "for entertainment purposes only" and i was thoroughly entertained.

so i called MJ at about 12:45 am to tell him that we were leaving columbia, and that i would call him again when we get off interstate 26 onto the back roads.

(NOTE: smalltown is so small, you have to get off the interstate and drive another 20+ miles to get to it. most people have accidents once they LEAVE the interstate. so if you're not home in 20-25 minutes after you hit the backroads, they know to come looking for you.)

before i hung up, he asked if i had given any thought to seeing him tonight...and he sounded so pitiful. and i've been so bitchy to him. so i gave in. i know, i know, i'm such a wimp.

plus i've been soooo horny, well EXTRA horny now since sweaty mens have been shakin they penises in my face!

so i dropped Cousin Candy off, and i went to MJ's house. I turned off the car and was gathering my things when he came out the house, closed the door, and hopped in my car. i said what up? he said he had a surprise for me and to just drive. hmmmm???

we drove to medium town and he had rented a hotel room for us because he had guests (i.e. family) staying at his place. awwwwww how sweet...considering that i tend to be a little ummmm, LOUD during sex and he didn't want to wake anyone at 2 am - lol!!

when we got in the room he saw my outfit and was shocked. he said he didn't know i owned clothes like that - LOL!! damn, am i that conservative?? and he was instantly and visibly turned on!!

we went at it like jackrabbits!! clothes we flying everywhere!!

we couldn't stay the entire night because he knew my daughter (he calls her HIS daughter!!) had cheerleading in the morning, but i was really surprised at what he did.

by the time i got home, i had enough time to sleep for an hour before i had to wake her up and do the mommy thang. but at least i had enough time to do MY thing!!

yes, and i do know that i broke the surgeon's orders not to have sex.....

Thursday, October 27, 2005

guess who fuckin called me

fuckin MJ called me last night!! yeah baby!!!

i about shit myself when i heard his voice on the other line. the last time i talked to him was september 14th. i have been a stubborn ass bitch and not called his ass, nor did i accept his calls when he did call. so my stubborn assed-ness finally paid off for something!

we talked last night until 1 am. he asked what happened, andy why i stopped speaking to him, and i told him about the mean shit he said to me. when i repeated some of the things he said, he just kept apologizing and saying he didn't know what had gotten into him because he really does care about me, and how much he didn't mean to hurt me, etc.


and he even remembered that my birthday had passed!!!!!!

and we got off the phone tonight about 11 pm...

as regular blog readers may know, despite my recent whore-ish phase (pre-surgery fuck fest) i still have feelings for this thick headed dude. if you scroll back a few entries, especially in september, he's all up in here.

so of course i still like him, and his apologies were really sweet...but i don't know if he wants me or just my good pussy - lol!!. so i have to be extra cautious. besides the fact that i have recently had sex with his cousin "C". fortunately for me, MJ and C hate each other, so they would never find out unless i tell them. but fuck that, i ain't getting caught in the middle of that family shit.

furthermore, i am still under the surgeon's orders of no sex until 11/3. my pussy is rebelling, but i am NOT getting in trouble with the doctor~!

what to do, what to do...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

...eventful next day

fast forward to today... (wednesday)

i went to my daughters school to hang out with her today. last week was "eat with your kids here at school" week, and i couldn't because of the surgery and confusion (and those damn pain killers).

so i ate school breakfast AND one day. talk about constipated....

her teacher's b-day is tomorrow. she's really sweet and nice, we get along well, she loves my daughter, and this is her first year teaching, so she really WANTS to teach. so while sitting in the class, i got each of the kids by themselves to sign a birthday card for her in different color markers. i think she'll love it.

after school i went to get her a cake and some little gifts, just so that she knows she's appreciated. i was hanging out with one of my thousands of cousins "Candy". She has a daughter 1 year older than mine and my cuz is cool as hell. she is beautiful, and hell she should be 'cause she's related to ME - lol, just kidding!!

Candy has a man, thinks he's cheating....but no proof. i told her what my homegirl Dee always told me, "Unless you see dick in pussy, you never KNOW for sure if two people are fucking". the girl he's suspected of cheating with looks exactly like this profile's photo (trust me, that bitch is hideous).

anyway, after the cake run, our daughters were doing homework together. her mom watched them while we went to "the store". when we got in the car, she asked me if i would detour past her ex's house....the ex that she never got over.

she's got a man and wants to see her ex? see, her ass is as bad as i am - lol!! and WE BOTH KNOW the only way to get to her ex's house was to pass MJ's house. we giggled to each other and i said, let's roll.

so we pass MJ's house the first time, and his front door was open. no one was on the porch. got to her ex's house, and she stayed inside about 15 mins. him & his sister come out at different times, and we all chit-chat. all total, we were there about 40-45 mins.

soooo, we had to pass back by MJ's house....ok lemme see if i can describe this scenario:

on this road, MJ's house is on the right (passenger side). he is sitting on the opposite side of the street (driver's side) on the hood of a truck on th left, but it's parked in the same direction i am driving. his back is toward the traffic going in my direction.

as we come up the hill, he turns ALL THE WAY around to see that it's me.

and of course, he smiles that smile that always melts my heart and waves at me....but i was a stone-faced BITCH, no smile, no nothing. i just "put up my hand" (normal smalltown gesture) and kept going.

we both giggled like two little school girls!!

Candy: what the fuck was THAT? why is he sitting on the OTHER side of the street, and not his porch?
Me: i dunno, i guess he wanted to make SURE i saw him
Candy: and he's all smiling at you
Me: fuck that, i didn't smile at his ass, and i damn sure wasn't stopping

deep inside, the butterflies fluttered, my heart jumped, and my pussy started dancing!!! and i'm sure Candy knew it - lol!!

so, we FINALLY make it to the grocery store, an hour or so later. as we are checking out, we run into yet another cousin...the cousin who lives next door to MJ.

(NOTE: it's 11:36 p.m. right now. as i am typing this blog, he is riding past my house. he drives a sports car with a suped up's very distinct. i can hear him coming before he gets here, and there he goes)

....but back to the story

anyway, my cousin/MJ's neighbor at the store asks me how i'm doing, how i feel, sorry she missed my b-day, and if i'm in pain because i was supposed to be on bedrest. i told her how my ass is hard-headed, which is why i have to take so many pain killers.

then she says, "your boy MJ said he saw you drive past his house, but that was like an hour ago"

me and Candy start laughing our asses off...we had put it together at the same time:

MJ saw us drive by the first time, and he sat on that damn truck hood for approx 45 mins until we drove by the second time...just so that he could smile and wave at me???

Candy and i also walk together in the evenings in the park after dinner. guess who rode by TWICE in this same suped up car? we just looked at each other and laughed.

maybe MJ misses this good pussy - LOL!!

or maybe he misses me like i miss him. but i am still gonna be stuborn. i have his ass right where i want him...

as ice cube says "i can't was a good day"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Uneventful birthday...

well, my birthday was pretty boring....

i am so horny, it's not even funny. i can't fuck anytime soon - yes, i asked. well technically i asked the surgeon's nurse when i can start "exercising" again...exercising, fucking, close enough. she said not until AFTER my post operative check up on NOVEMBER 3rd. DAMNNNNNN!!!

anyway, i DID get phone calls from all my men:

- Big Dick Dude called twice

- Best-guy-friend called three times and when he finally reached me, he sang "Happy B-day"

- My ex "C" called twice and also sang Happy B-day

- AND another dude (can't think of a catchy name yet), drove up to visit me, just to give me b-day wishes

but no gifts from any of them...and no MJ :(

( i know, i need to move on, but i really miss being so close to him...i miss how he used to kiss my forehead...the little shit, ya know)

my mom made me some BBQ chicken wings (yum), and i had my cake & ice cream.

then the day was over.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Go Me, it's my birthday!! (100 things about me)

OK, it's after 12:00 am, and it's officially my birthday!!!

sooooo, in honor of my 34th birthday, here is a list 100 things about me that you may not have known....(some of which you may not have wanted to know)

  1. for starters, i am long-winded as HELL
  2. i was named after angela davis, as were most other women around my age.
  3. as a consequence, i have never been the only "angela" in any class (elementary, high school, college, or med school).
  4. when it comes to relationships, i am a complete WIMP
  5. i went to an all girls, catholic high school, which i hated
  6. i hated just about everyone i graduated from high school with
  7. i have vowed that i will NEVER attend a class reunion (fuckin bitches!)
  8. i am VERY conservative
  9. this whole med school thing...yeah i wanna help people and be compassionate and stuff like that. but i just wanted a career where i could pay for all the kids that i wanna have.
  10. i am 5'1" and my brother is 6'4"...yet my daughter is 6 years old and is already 4'6". what the fuck happened to MY height gene?
  11. when i started "developing", i went from flat chested to size 34B bra over the summer.
  12. i now wear a 38DD. i've had big tits since i was 11 years old. find something ELSE to complement me on and stop STARING at them!!!
  13. i love cats...dogs are ok.
  14. i used to have a cat named Prince when i was a girl
  15. i don't like using capital letters when i type, nor do i like punctuation marks.
  16. however i am a stickler for grammar and spelling.
  17. growing up, i didn't have very many friends. actually everyone hated me because i was smart and light-skinned with hair down to my ass.
  18. i love porn
  19. i have three closest friends (Tee, D, and Dee) and i love my homegirls so much
  20. summer was always my favorite season, until i lived the caribbean for two years (yes, black folks CAN get sunburned)...
  21. people say i look like Chaka Khan, hair and all...when i went to college at Howard U. (a school known for famous black folks) everyone thought i was her daughter.
  22. i am technologically inept - someone had to teach me to use a jumpdrive.
  23. i love tacos, but only homemade. for some reason, i am unable to "properly digest" taco hell.
  24. i wear a size 7.5 shoe
  25. i would die for my daughter...i wish more parents felt the same about their kids
  26. i have tattoo...but most people say i don't look like the "type" to have one
  27. i don't curse when i'm talking, however my favorite curse word is's sooooo naughty :)
  28. i know that my brother is my parents' favorite
  29. holidays suck. i hate decorating for them, and then i have to take the shit back down and pack it away. if it wasn't for my daughter, you could call my ass "scrooge" and leave me the hell alone
  30. i lost my virginity when i was 14
  31. my favorite food is lasagna, or anything italian
  32. i was disappointed a lot when i was a child
  33. i am lactose intolerant...just don't come around me when i've eaten dairy - it's aint pretty
  34. although i've dated a lot of guys, even professional athletes, i've slept with less than 20 guys...but yeah, i DID fuck the athletes - lol
  35. i am very anal-retentive and super-duper organized...
  36. deep down, i am really silly
  37. for some reason, i get really depressed around the time of my birthday
  38. the ONLY thing that cheers me up is seeing candy corns in the grocery store because they only come out in the fall. i can eat the whole bag!
  39. i don't like to use the word "hate" but some foods (and some people) deserve it
  40. i really hate my daughter' father and he hates me right back. we haven't spoken since i was pregnant. he's the whole-ass.
  41. the first guy i ever had sex with broke my heart...really badly.
  42. i think that's why i don't have as much sex as i'd like to
  43. but you know what? i over-analyze everything
  44. my favorite sexual position is being on top
  45. i pick my nose only when i am taking a dump...and never while driving
  46. i drive left-handed
  47. but i masturbate right-handed
  48. i'm so vain (i probably think that song is about me - lol!)
  49. i have never had sex outside of a bed, in a car, or outside of a house, period.
  50. i am petrified of deep water and its creatures (squid, octopus, shark, stingray, etc.), and i have been for as long as i can remember
  51. i'm still in love with my first real boyfriend, but he doesn't know it and never will.
  52. my favorite scene is from the movie "Mommie Dearest" when Faye Dunaway says "Don't Fuck with me Fellas!!!!" (probably just 'cause she says fuck - lol!)
  53. this in my favorite website (soft porn)
  54. this is my favorite porn site (and it's FREE)
  55. this is my favorite pornstar...i just LOVE him!
  56. i really hate my hair
  57. my favorite fruit is strawberries
  58. i read in one of my letters of recommendation for med school that my best quality is that i "treat everyone with respect" - they obviously didn't know about the people i fuckin hate
  59. i had a crush on a guy named Steve thru-out high school...he wouldn't go out with me because he said i was a "nice girl"
  60. i love going to the mountains when the leaves are falling
  61. i hate snow and cold weather
  62. i love wearing flip flops...the thong between my toes just feels naughty
  63. i wear size 7 underwear
  64. my favorite song of all time is "Adore" by Prince
  65. my favorite movie of all time is "West Side Story". I cry everytime i watch it.
  66. i am an eternal optimist
  67. my biggest pet peeve is men who kiss (or fuck) and tell.
  68. i was born at 5:30 am
  69. i haven't been a morning person since
  70. i really hate my father...that's just the way it is
  71. i used to be a very strict catholic...i'm still catholic, just not so strict - lol
  72. i didn't start masturbating until i was 22 years old
  73. prior to that, i had no clue about what i needed to do, or how i even came
  74. i actually bought a book on masturbation to make sure i was doing it right (with my nerdy ass)
  75. i really am stubborn!
  76. i remember my kindergarten teacher tried to feed us a dish made of octopus legs. i also remember screaming and running out of the classroom that day.
  77. i used to believe that anything i needed to know, i could find the answer in a book
  78. i am very indecisive
  79. i am so addicted to caffiene - i NEED a coca-cola daily
  80. i can speak, read, and write in spanish
  81. i can speak, read, and write in french too (it's better than my spanish)
  82. i love to travel - the farthest i have been is hawaii.
  83. my best vacation was grand cayman island with my homegirl D in 2001
  84. i won my grade school's spelling bee in 7th grade (nerdy ass nerd)
  85. i don't like listening to my mother's always sucks
  86. i know how to properly use a thesaurus...i even have one in french (i'm such a nerd - LOL)
  87. i have a low tolerance for pain. if i stub my toe, i need an aspirin.
  88. i have never seen an "uncut" penis up close
  89. i have had sex with a white (italian) guy of the top 5 biggest dicks i've ever seen...
  90. other than #89, i've never dated, fornicated, etc. anyone outside my race...not on purpose, just happened that way.
  91. i have decided that as a grown up woman, no one is allowed to treat me shitty
  92. i have also decided that there is a limit to the amount of shit i will accept
  93. i have never had my toes sucked, but i've heard it's wicked!!
  94. i used to suck my thumb until i was 12
  95. they say that women who sucked their thumbs as a child love to suck dick...they are 100% right - LOL!!
  96. i love sucking dick so much that sometimes i salivate when i watch porn stars or anyone with big dicks
  97. however, as a general rule, i don't suck dick on the first date...not until i've been allowed to properly examine it
  98. i want to have it all...being a minivan mom out in the suburbs driving the kids to soccer, dance, gymnastics, etc....oh yeah, and a successful physician, while at the same time, fucking my husband senseless on a daily basis. is that too much to ask for?
  99. i prefer tampons over pads
  100. and yes, i even have a list of all the men i have fucked over the last 19.5's not all that long

so, now you know a little more about me and what makes me tick. here i go in an attempt to have a happy, non-fucking-because-of-that-damn-surgery, non-alcoholic-because-of-those-damn-pain-pills birthday!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Happy birthday to me...(SOQ)

i love these stupid quizzes!

Your Birthdate: October 18

Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.

There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.

You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator.

You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.

Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed.

There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others.

Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give.

Pain Killers are not my friends

Mistake #1:

last night, i took a pain killer right before watching Grey's Anatomy. since i'm almost a doctor, i usually quiz myself on the stuff they talk about and see how well i can answer the questions the attendings ask the residents (told you i'm a nerd), but last night i couldn't answer any...then i remembered the pain pill - lol!!

it started to kick in about 10:50, right at the end of the show....

about the same time when one of the female doctors starts crying (i'll save you the long story as to why) and no one can comfort her...except her boyfriend, who climbs in the bed with her and holds her.

OK, that did it...while narcotics filled my brain, i was about to call MJ.

i literally had to talk myself out of calling, but ummm, "myself" was really mad, sad, and upset and wanted to call. i know it sounds silly, even thinking about it now. but i just HAD to call him.

the only way i kept from calling him was to turn on the computer and play Zuma...well actually i have Zuma deluxe on my hard drive (more nerd evidence!). when i looked up, it was 12:30 am, and i knew i wouldn't call that late.

i tried to go to sleep, but i layed there until 3:00 am. at 6 am, the alarm rang. i had to get the mommy stuff going.

all this time, i thought i had MJ out of my system. i guess not. deep down, all the random sex hasn't filled the void that he filled in me.

irregardless of the way i feel, the point is he's not making an effort to contact i need to leave it alone.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

"You're just jealous" (another SOQ)

yet another stupid on-line quiz...but it's dead on.

gotta luv 'em :)

You're Leggy may be tall or short but either way you seem to make the guys swoon and the girls jealous and girls think of you as a slut" or "bitch".

Again, you're beautiful, they're not...right?

Which Bettie Page Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Worried, nervous, and anxious all at the same time

well my laparoscopic surgery is tomorrow. i should be sleeping, but i just can't. i met with the surgeon this morning, and i had to drive all the way to the big city (columbia). i HATE being late, and i was a little pissed 'cause i left in plenty of time - but there was an accident on the highway...someone asshole ran into a state trooper. sucks to be them - LOL!!

the surgeon said he may have to do a few MORE things down there...and he will try his best to make sure i can still have kids in the future. do what you have to, but just don't fuck up the "good pussy" and i'll be fine.

so now that i have reached the surgery date, i guess my fuckfest is over. i need to cool my cooter off for a bit anyway. i asked the surgeon how long of a recovery time (i.e. when can i have sex again, doc) and he said "it depends on what needs to be done". so i'm guessing it's gonna be a while :(

i have really had some fun just being free and letting my hair down these past two months. but now it's time to grow up and get down to business. i need to get back to my studies and pass my licensing exam and finish school so i can by my dream car.

i have to be at the hospital early as hell in the morning, so i guess i'll TRY & get some sleep.

Monday, October 10, 2005

i am such a girly girl...(SOQ)

i just love stupid online quizzes (SOQ's) i saw this on another blog so i borrowed (ok, stole) it. enjoy!!

You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish

Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

even more great sex...

so i had sex with my best-guy-friend again yesterday morning. i went to his house after we both dropped our kids off at school (us naughty parents - lol!!). he's a single dad, i'm a single mom, so it works out well.

it was great, as usual. not only is he blessed with length and thickness, but he's also curved too. when it's fully erect, it looks like captain hook's...ummm..."hook". i have never seen anything like that before. it's very interesting yet very satisfying. he'd make a good porn star, but you can't tell him shit - it would go to his head (pun intended!!)

anyway, since we've been fucking, cutting, or whatever, he always made excuses as to why he couldn't kiss me (first he had a cold, then he had just smoked a cigarette) - which didn't matter to me. kissing makes it too personal. if i'm gonna hook up with someone, it's better to just make each other feel good and go our separate ways. which is what i did with revenge-sex guy. which is probably why he won't speak to me. whatever.

best-guy-friend has always been a good nippler and pussy eater. but yesterday, he was slobbing me down, tongue and all! he was kissing on my neck, cheeks, forehead and all that other personal shit. it was kinda weirding me out. i mean this is one of my closest friends. if i think about it too much, i don't even orgasm, as if my body shuts down knowing that it's HIM.

afterwards, i was trying to leave, but he kept talking, which also made me feel uncomfortable. i didn't want to get busted by anyone seeing my car there so early, and he lives on a busy street. i guess he knew i was tense and was trying to relax me (as if the sex wasn't enough!)

he went outside to walk me out, and sure enough someone pulled up in his yard. i started freaking out, and he said "just chill, they don't know what just happened." true, so true, but it was early as hell in the morning (or so i thought).

when i got home, it was 11:30 am. we had been fuckin' for THREE hours!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Small-town, South Carolina

after reading Steph's blog with comments and rebuttal and stuff, i had to think about things. i have realized that my view of the world is slightly biased just because i live in a small town. and i guess my behavior (and the behavior of others here) wouldn't be acceptable anywhere else. it really was an eye opener for me.

here in smalltown, everyone here knows everything about everyone else. i can ask anyone about any guy in town, and they'll say "he beats women" or "he's gay", "he's a crackhead" or even "girl, don't fuck with him, he has herpes, HIV, HPV, EBV, CMV, ebola virus, etc. whatever". somebody always knows something, so it's all about who to ask to get the info you need.

the downside, is that i'm sure they either know my business too, or else it's gonna get around sooner ot later. my close cousins keep my dirty secrets and i am soooo conservative that i don't think anyone would believe it anyway. "Angie's had 3 penises in one month???" - hell i don't even believe it myself!

so i may hate smalltown, along with all of my friends who ever dared to visit here. but i guess in a way i am kinda blessed to be here. if i lived anywhere else, i probably would have many more serious issues to deal with.

well i'm off to do my best-guy-friend :)~

Dee was right

at the end of my last post, i mentioned how my homegirl Dee says men always come back.

well, fuckin MJ called me yesterday....ain' t that some shit! she was right. (i guess i must have whipped that shit on him - LOL!)

unfortunately, i wasn't home, AND he didn't leave a message, so i ain't calling his ass back. still gotta be more stubborn. it's also unfortunate for MJ that he called AFTER i had already set up another sex session with my best-guy-friend for this morning. i am soooo bad :)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Just some stuff...

ok, i've been gone for almost a week, and everyone in here small-town not only knew i was gone, but that i was gone for a funeral "up north". well, they all know i'm back now - lol!!

it was a little weird being back in newark, new jersey. i haven't lived there since i left for college (almost 18 years ago - fuck, i am getting OLD). it has changed some, but for the most part, it still looks the same.

friday was a hectic day for me. we got in from jersey at 5:30 am, and the phone started ringing by 10:00 am. i was a little pissed that i forgot to turn off the ringer. friday nite was the football game, and i went with my daughter, one of my many cousins LP and her daughter. once we found seats, we run into MJ's mom.

MJ's mom is Ms. P. I love her to death, but she's very ghetto. MJ is close to my age, but a few years younger. Ms. P also has a son who's close in age to my daughter, so she had MJ very young. she keeps telling me how much she loves me for MJ, i'm such a good woman, blah, blah, blah.

i ran into her once before at a PTA meeting, and i gave her the lowdown, so she already knows i'm not speaking to MJ. at that time she said, "imma tell it" (which means in country speak that she was gonna have a talk with him).

anyway, this was our conversation at the game
Ms. P: i heard you were out of town, sorry to hear about the funeral.
me: how did you know? oh i guess he told you.
Ms. P: yeah, he must have asked me every day last week if i saw you at the school
me: interesting...
Ms. P: i told him to stop bugging me and go ahead and call you, but you know he's stubborn
me: yeah i know, but i am still pissed off at him, so he's gonna have to call me first if he wants to make up.
Ms. P: imma tell it

i don't know what she was getting at, or if she was just trying to let me know that he cares about me, or just asking about me, or what. but fuck that! i aint calling his ass.

i went by the cousins' house that live up the street from him today. they babysat my daughter's fish while we were gone. my cousin mentioned that MJ came up to her house everyday last week asking about me and wanting the phone number to where we were staying.

she told him to get lost 'cause if his ass was calling me while i was IN TOWN before i left, then he would have had the number in jersey. she also told him she wasn't helping his ass no more 'cause every time she helps him get me back, he just goes and fucks it back up all over again. you go cousin! but wait - what the hell has she been telling him about me?? oh well...

as my homegirl Dee always says, "Ang, if he likes you enough, and you whipped that shit on him, then his ass will come crawling back. they always do."

ok, so, let's see if Dee is right...

Happy Place 10/1/05

ok, so i depressed myself talking about my uncle's death.

here's my happy place pic...

i lived in the caribbean for two years and this was the view from my balcony overlooking the sea. there's nothing like falling asleep to the sound of crashing waves.


My uncle passed away...

I found out last friday nite that my uncle passed away. he was battling pancreatic cancer for a long while, and he just couldn't fight anymore.

this is a pic of him, me and my daughter from a couple of years ago. i know i'm still cute, but i am looking slightly nerdy in my med student glasses - lol!

he was my daughter's godfather.

i really miss him.

we went to new jersey to bury him and deal with all of the other relatives last week. THAT was some fun. i'm just glad to be back in south carolina and away from them fuckers.

i was all set to hook up with BDD. i had him in the palm of my hands (well, not literally!!). then i got the phone call from one of my aunts. then i had to call my mom at work.

i guess me hooking up with BDD wasn't meant to be. oh well...

i still can't believe my uncle is gone.