
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Small-town, South Carolina

after reading Steph's blog with comments and rebuttal and stuff, i had to think about things. i have realized that my view of the world is slightly biased just because i live in a small town. and i guess my behavior (and the behavior of others here) wouldn't be acceptable anywhere else. it really was an eye opener for me.

here in smalltown, everyone here knows everything about everyone else. i can ask anyone about any guy in town, and they'll say "he beats women" or "he's gay", "he's a crackhead" or even "girl, don't fuck with him, he has herpes, HIV, HPV, EBV, CMV, ebola virus, etc. whatever". somebody always knows something, so it's all about who to ask to get the info you need.

the downside, is that i'm sure they either know my business too, or else it's gonna get around sooner ot later. my close cousins keep my dirty secrets and i am soooo conservative that i don't think anyone would believe it anyway. "Angie's had 3 penises in one month???" - hell i don't even believe it myself!

so i may hate smalltown, along with all of my friends who ever dared to visit here. but i guess in a way i am kinda blessed to be here. if i lived anywhere else, i probably would have many more serious issues to deal with.

well i'm off to do my best-guy-friend :)~

0 - the # of people who hit me up:

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