
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Monday, March 13, 2006

i have had ENOUGH!!

i subbed last week for a third grade teacher. so these kids are what....9-10 years old? something like that. anyway, i have subbed for this teacher before, and had problems with two of the young men in that class. one young man was even sent home by the principal for his rude behavior.

THIS time however, i had to have FOUR young men sent home. y'all, they were so BAD!! one of them argued with me, another one hollered at me like he was MY father.

i lost my cool with that one, because i was hollering right back at him...i REALLY had to resist the urge to choke the SHIT outta him!! the principal was already in his way for another student when i ended up locking "hollering boy" outside the classroom. when the principal came, he asked why HB was outside. as i retold the story, HB started hollering again that he didn't care and i was lying. the principal reminded HB that he was talking to me and i wasn't talking to him. then he went ahead and took HB to the office.

at the end of the day, i was so spent, i said that was IT. the other teachers said they know HB well...ok, that kind of behavior is UNacceptable!! send him to one of those reform/military schools. i bet his ass will stop hollering at people.

"God was trying to tell me something" - definitely that day. i need to study and get my behind back in school. i'm just being lazy and i need to stop it. pretty soon, i really might choke someone's kid and get'll see me on the news and how people "would never think Angie was like that" - LOL!!

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