
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

happy belated V-Day!!!

well, valentine's day is over and gone. and yes, i got some very nice gifts, like i had theorized earlier. but ya know, relationships take a lot of work. i guess since i haven't been in a relationship in a while (2001) i hadn't realized just how much work it takes to have a healthy relationship in the new millenium. besides, i have realized that i am really spoiled, and i have some issues about myself that i need to work on.

me and the bf are doing fine. we talked out all the monogamy issues and stuff. let me just state one thing for the record: when i told him about the non-monogamy thing, it was when we FIRST started talking/conversing back in july, not when we began dating or being a couple. since it was already out there, and i started liking him, i didn't know how to say, "ok i changed my mind, you can only sleep with me now". but we've gotten over that hurdle and are now a monogamous couple - YAY!!

so, then we ended up having a fight on monday night...yeah, i KNOW the night before the big day. he said something and i got pissed off and stormed out the house (his house) at 3:00 am and slammed the door. i think i was just overtired from staying up all night with him, then working (subbing) all day at school, then taking care of my daughter all afternoon.

he ended up chasing after me and asked me why i slammed the door and what i was mad at. i didn't answer. he tried to catch onto my clothes, but ended up catching my ponytail. he kept saying, "talk to me" but i was trying to pull away from him. then i realized i couldn't go too far because what he had a hold of was attached to my head. since we were both pulling in opposite directions, it began to hurt.

so in my sleep deprived mind, instead to actually TALKING to him (which is what he wanted) i decided the best way to get out of it was to push my head back in his direction to get the tension off my hair and scalp, and once there was slack, i could pull away. unfortunately at the very same time, he gave a huge tug and i ended up falling to the ground. HARD. on my coccyx (butt) bone. which really hurt. of course at 3 am on a frosty ground, it hurt even more.

so i started crying and he says "will you please come back in the house so we can talk about this" and as i look up at him, he's crying too.


i must have cried for about an hour and slobbered all over his sweatshirt. he just held me and told me it would be ok, and for me to calm down. he said he was sorry for hurting me, and i said sorry for slamming the door. and that was all that needed to be said i guess.

when i left that morning at 6 am to get ready for my day, i left him a valentine present on his dresser. he specifically asked for a pic of me, and i am picky about pics i give out 'cause people will be looking at them, so they have to look good. i went to glamour shots and had some really nice ones and i put it in a frame that said "i love you" on it.

so i was kinda worried about how the rest of valentine's day was gonna go, but i had already bought his gifts. i spoke to him that evening, and everything was good to go.

when i got to his house, he opened his gifts first. i bought him a case of his favorite yogurt, 2 dozen krispy kreme donuts (his favorite) and a carmelo anthony jersey. he was so excited. then he tells me that i had to close my eyes. he led me back to the bedroom, where soft music was playing (jahiem i think). the entire room was lit up by candlelight, but not just any candle. it was one of those things where you put a tealight in the bottom and some melting stuff on the top. but this one was different, because it was made of stained glass and the whole room was different colors. it was so pretty!!

on the bed were TWO boxes of candy. one huge red one, and one pretty pink box. there was also a bag from my favorite store - Vickie's, filled with all different lotions, shower gels and sprays. finally he also bought me a bouquet of pink and red roses.

on top of all that, he even took the time to pick out a nice card!

so, we are trying to do this relationship thing and make it work. we'll just have to take it one step at a time and see how it goes...

i hope you all had a very HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day!!

2 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 2:15 AM, February 16, 2006, Blogger The Future said…

    I hope everything works out, nut here is a hint, if he is willing to talk about things, sit down and talk! Dont storm of like a petulant child, it is only going to make things worse. Remember commuinication is the key to a great relationship. Shit I sound like Dr.Phil, so tell me how does that make you feel( said in lazy drawl ala Dr. Phil)

  • At 10:05 AM, February 16, 2006, Blogger AngieMD2007 said…

    "Dr. Future" - i know, i know, i'm spoiled. and that pissed woman storming out thing only works for joan crawford (or maybe faye dunaway playing joan crawford), but definitely NOT for us non-dramatic types. sure did learn my lesson....


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