
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

love life update

i swear i had posted this stuff already, and i can't find it. i guess it was what i was working on the nite me and my momma were beefin' at each other.

anyway, long story to short, me and MJ are an official "couple". he was the one who asked for it, so i just agreed (like a caveman conquering his woman - LOL!!)

all of the sudden, he became the sweetest, nicest boyfriend i've had in a long time.

when we go to the mall, not only does he hold my hand, he even does the little thumb massage stuff by stroking the back of my hand.

his family is really nice to me. they helped put the training wheels on my daughter's bike 'cause i couldn't do that shit :)~

we go on official dates.

we even spent an entire weekend together chilling and watching movies when the carolinas had that big ice storm (my daughter was at my mother's).

it's so unreal how much he has changed that i keep thinking that any minute he's gonna say "SIKE, i was just joking" and walk away. others say that maybe he's realized what a good woman i am.

we even exchanged christmas presents. AND he picked out nice stuff!! i was very shocked. i expected a cheesy gift set from Wal-Mart. but nooooo, he bought me gifts from Vickie's AND and outfit Lady Foot Locker. the shoes are coming this weekend (he said he didn't know what shoe size i wore)

he EVEN bought my daughter a christmas present...a pokemon game for her gameboy advance, AND it was the one she wanted!!

and you know what? the sex has improved 100%. maybe we are comfortable with each other now.

so i guess we'll just have to see where it goes.....

2 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 11:38 PM, December 27, 2005, Blogger Okolo said…

    I'm new to reading your blog, but, umm, doesn't this raise a red flag?

    "i am so in love with him (meaning BGF not MJ)."

  • At 2:33 PM, December 28, 2005, Blogger AngieMD2007 said…

    hey there okolo, thanks for stopping thru.

    naw, it's a different kind of love. kinda like the difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.

    i love my best guy friend (BGF) because he's been there for me over the years. i know him inside & out and know that we would be compatible.

    but realistically speaking, we just don't mesh together as a couple.

    he has teenage kids and doesn't want more, while i have a first grader and am just getting started.

    he's been married before and never wants to remarry, while i haven't yet and am looking forward to it.

    the past month and the situation with my mother that i touched on recently has been very trying for me. MJ has been there every step of the way, and i am sure that it was the catalyst that brought us closer.

    hope that clears things up. sorry to be so long winded, but that's just who i am :)


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