
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Friday, November 11, 2005

my pussy's so good....part two

before we took our break, MJ would never perform oral sex on me. he did however make sure i always "came" first, but it was more of a manual manipulation thing. it did piss me off that once he was finished, he expected me to suck his dick.

now i love to suck a good dick, but i'll be damn if I'M going downtown and you ain't, buddy!

so we had many conversations about it, and he said he had never done it before and he just didn't know what to do. i told him i'd let him borrow one of my pornos and he'd just learn as we went along. something! shit! we all know that a tongue on genitals beats fingers any day!

when we got back together i was adamant that he was GONNA eat my pussy or i was going on dick sucking strike...OK, just the thought of striking sends chills up my arms as i type this - lol!!

last night, we had a six hour session and he finally did it! YEAH!! he was kinda shy about it at first, licking oh so cautiously while i am trying to move my pelvis to meet his tongue. a few hours later, i guess he had enough confidence to try again. THIS time, he stayed down there for about an hour! he asked me to "hold it open" and next thing i knew, my fingers were asleep!

he even took me and my daughter on a "date" last friday for dinner and a movie (chicken little - of course she chose it). we all had a nice time, and it was pretty cute to see them interacting...

so now, according to MJ, he and i are officially "together". whatever the hell that means. i finally had to ask him last night. he said it means that he is my "man" and i am his "lady" (gotta love the country vernacular). so i asked if that meant we are in a monogamous relationship...he said yeah.

so, my pussy is:

the pussy that makes a BLACK man apologize (and i ain't his wife)

the pussy that gets dates for me and my kid - lol!!

the pussy that makes a man eat it for the first time ever

so i guess that means i can't sleep around anymore (darn it!). i even told him about that, and he wasn't even mad! he said we weren't speaking at the time and were free to do whatever. Damn, my pussy's THAT good! Better watch out!!

3 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 4:19 PM, November 11, 2005, Blogger LBseahag said…

    you go, girl...
    you earned it...

    if they can't do that, find a woman who can!!!

  • At 1:06 AM, November 13, 2005, Blogger AngieMD2007 said…

    @ future - i reaaaaaallly don't think so. they really hate each other. even if the cousin did, he is known around town for being a huge liar.

    remember, i also TOLD him (MJ) i had been freaky while we were apart (without naming names), and IT DIDN'T BOTHER HIM. the man was smitten enough to try new things and i'll take that :)

    @ lbseahag - thanks so much!! i worked my ass of for it - lol!!

    i have a cousin who is a lesbian and that's all she ever talks about. even though i'm strictly-dickly, i'll keep it in the back of my mind :P

  • At 1:50 PM, November 16, 2005, Blogger LBseahag said…

    eagerly awaiting for the continuing saga....


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