
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

black man minus mustache = ???

i was reading a magazine the other day on blacks in sports (management types rather than actual players), and i saw the the photo of one of my exes. as i stated in my 100 things about me (# 34), i have dated professional athletes.

however, to keep things private, i won't give away too many details...steph freaked me out when she said someone she knew found her blog (paragraph #3)! i would be mortified if someone i knew found mine. i'm on the PTA and i suck dick!! LOL! but i digress....

anyway, i met my P.A. friend when i was in college. he played for one of the "professional" teams in DC. he was a really nice guy who treated me well, but i got the impression that he was ready to get married - in a hurry. i was 18 and in my sophomore year, and that was the furthest thing from my mind. so we parted ways and lost contact. i'm sure with him being who he was, he met someone else VERY quickly. but he was a sweet guy, and all those sappy feelings of "what could have been" came rushing back.

anyway, he's doing quite well for himself in his post-professional career. he's also married with several children. i really don't remember what the article said he was doing, because i was busy looking at his photo.

he looked the same, except a few years older. then i noticed that he didn't have a mustache......

for those who don't know, the following mathematical equation is valid:

black man - mustache = gay

(translation: black man without a mustache is gay - until proven otherwise)

now, of course like most equations, there are some exceptions (i.e. variables) to the rule.

then i glanced at the picture again. not only did he NOT have a mustache, he had one of those tuft-of-hair-under-his-bottom-lip called a soul patch.

i don't know of anyone, black, white, asian, or otherwise, who has soul patch without a mustache who ISN'T gay!!

so now i wonder if my way back a long time ago ex is gay? is that why he was trying to marry an 18 year old girl? someone who would accept his gayness and was young enough to not know any better? someone who didn't have anything and would latch on to him just because he was a famous athlete??

thank goodness i was so stubborn, i'm not a needy woman, and i LOVED to party! if i was in another place back then, may have been stuck with him!!

3 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 6:27 PM, November 05, 2005, Blogger The Future said…

    That is hilarious, you dated a down low brother.

  • At 8:44 AM, November 07, 2005, Blogger AngieMD2007 said…

    @ future - i'm not for sure that he's gay...but i'm know for my overanalyzing :P

    he DID have a mustache when we dated, so either he was "in the closet", or bi, or the current soul patch is nothing significant.

    @ lbseahag - yeah, all black men i know with a clean face are gay or actors or both - lol!!

  • At 6:49 PM, September 04, 2009, Blogger Ugo Strange said…

    I for one LOATHE moustahces and I'm not even remotely gay. I got sick of my moustache
    A) Maintenance
    B) Food getting stuck in it
    C) It makes me look like a 70's Porn Star...
    D) Moustaches look dumb.


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