
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm a bitch on the rag....

i really hate having my period. always have. in seven days of bleeding i can use a whole box of 20 super plus tampons and STILL have leaks. it was supposed to be BETTER since i had my surgery. well, at least the cramps are gone. but the huge blood loss is the same. it just fuckin' sucks ASS!

plus, i get really bitchy (can't u tell??)

i swear that MJ is reading my blog...but i think that's just my own paranoia.***

anyway, i guess i was a little bitchy to MJ, but only because he deserved it. i was talking to another guy (just talking) while i was with Cousin Candy. this guy was flirting with me, but he's married - and that's where i draw the line.

when MJ came over monday nite for his "housecall", he made a comment about me talking to the married dude. i told him i was with Candy. he said he didn't see her, only me....ahhhh, i see. he was jealous but didn't want to admit it. so of course i stroked his fragile male ego, and reassured him that i only wanted to sleep with him (at least for now).

we get to sexin'...he didn't eat pussy (WTF??) and i didn't suck dick (i meant that "being on strike" shit). the rest of the sex was pretty lame at best, and that's when the bitch came out.

note to self: don't insult a black man in bed even if you are PMS'ing...they don't seem to like it - LOL!!

afterwards, he just got up and left. no goodbye, no nothing. got in his car, and rolled out. oh, hell NO!! his ass did NOT just do that shit!

he's been on silent treatment since then.

TODAY, i was in the smalltown public library with Candy on the internet. as we are sitting there, we hear a very distinctive car engine rumbling. me and Candy look at each other and start giggling because we know who's about to come walking thru the door.

sure enough, it's that fuckin' MJ.

he sits right next to me, when Candy announces she's ready to go. i don't acknowledge him until he speaks to us first ("hey ladies, how y'all doing?"). i didn't look at him, and only spoke when he spoke to me.

so me & Candy leave, and head out to the grocery store. we come back thru town less than 10 minutes later and he's gone. we laughed, because it takes about 5 mins just to boot up the library computers. he couldn't have done anything in the short amount of time he was in there. he just came in to see me - lol!!

***and yes, i checked. you can't read any blogspot blogs from the library - access is denied!!

3 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 11:58 PM, November 16, 2005, Blogger The Future said…

    I bet he does know your blog, but now he knows he needs to go dowwwn towwwn, (sung in SWV tone). Thanks for the compliment, but I still can't get laid

  • At 4:41 PM, November 17, 2005, Blogger LBseahag said…

    the only good thing about PMS is being bitchy...enjoy it...people have it coming...

  • At 9:13 AM, November 19, 2005, Blogger AngieMD2007 said…

    future - lol! yes i remember that swv song! trust me, if i were in minneapolis, you'd have nothing to worry about :)

    steph - he probably just got mad 'cause i told him he wasn't satisfying me. he can keep playing around and i'm gonna go elsewhere to get licked...

    lbseahag - being bitchy is just so unlike me. when i act that way, peopl always ask if i'm on the rag, like they know that's the only way i would snap at them - lol!!


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