
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

gone for a minute....

i know i know...i've been gone for a minute. i know y'all have a right to be mad. but shit happens, and it happened to me. it's such a long story, which requires a few i'll tell it in increments.

confession #1 - i live at home with my parents. i know i should have moved out long ago. but it's so comfortable at home with the free DSL, cable, food, etc. anyway, you get my drift. i like to live lavishly and spend money, so i moved in when i left to go to med school and since i've been back i never really looked for a place for my daughter and myself.

confession #2 - my mother and i do NOT get along. 'nuff said...not much more i can say on that. we just don't.

confession #3 - (or #101 on my list) i have an extremely short temper with little patience.

put all three confessions together, and it's a very volatile mix once me and my mother get to arguing. most times when we get into it, i just bite my tongue because i'm much too cheap and lazy to get my own place.

but this time, things got serious.

she told me to (and i quote) "get the FUCK outta my house"

and she said it in front of my daugher!!

i'm so sorry, but i don't curse in front of her and i'll be damned if anyone else does.

so we packed our shit and left.

we had been staying at my cousin's house since then (conveniently the cousin who lives a few doors up from MJ....more about that later - smile!!)

so we finally worked things out, and i'm back home - for now. until i can find an apartment. it's time for us to move out and move on.

but at least it's nice to see i was missed :)~

0 - the # of people who hit me up:

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