
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

the yeast from HELL

sometimes life really sucks...i have a wicked yeast infection and it hurts like a BITCH!!

unfortunately i take a prescrpition antibiotic that causes me to get yeast infections often. but since i'm a med school student, i usually have a generous supply of diflucan, which knocks it out in one dose. when i noticed that familiar non-odorous discharge, i went to my stash, and saw it was...EMPTY -


and since i'm on leave of absence from school because of my surgery, i don't have any way to get any more.

so i headed off to Wal-Mart to get the next best thing - Monastat. did y'all know that shit costs $15 fuckin' dollars?? damn, i need to get back in school!!

they had a 7 day treatment and a 3 day treatment. and i know i can't have sex while using Monastat (told ya life sucks). so i went ahead with the 3 day treatment, which was more expensive, but i can get back to fucking faster.

i bring the stuff to MJ's house and i told him about the yeast. he was ok with it, as long as he could still get his dick sucked. hey, no problems there - LOL!!

i go into the bathroom and put in the medication. all the sudden the burning sensation was unlike any burning i had ever felt before. i came out the bathroom and got into bed and i was in pure agony!!!!!!

so MJ asks me what's wrong.

i tell him i'm burning bad!

he says "you must have bought the 3 day treatment, right?"

i was like "how do YOU know that?"

he goes "well see, your yeast infections come from your long term antibiotic useage, which is different than most women. you have lost the good bacteria in your vagina, which is what caused the yeast to grow in the first place. so when they use the 3 day treatment, most women burn anyway because it's stronger. but since you don't have any good bacteria left, it's gonna burn you even more..."

i think he only stopped talking because he saw how shocked i was...i think my mouth may have actually been open! he may be a Smalltown local who never went to college or left home, but he sure knew the mechanism of action for both antibiotics and antifungal drugs!!

he didn't even get mad when i forgot to suck his dick last night. he just held me and rubbed my stomach as i drifted off to sleep in his arms and wondered if he really is THE ONE...

1 - the # of people who hit me up:

  • At 10:38 PM, January 22, 2006, Blogger The Future said…

    Girl you better calm down on all that is he the one mess, I know things are good rt now, the best thing to do is to enjoy the moment, it is way too soon to be asking yourself is he the one. Just go with the flow,and enjoy the good times.


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