
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Been gone too long

I have been away from my blog for far too long. I guess I really don't have any excuse for it.

There has been a lot of shit that has happened in the past year since I've written. It's gonna take some time to explain it all, so I'll have to do it over a period of time.

When I last wrote, I was living at home due to an illness. I ended up having to have "exploratory" surgery (meaning that they have no fuckin' idea what's going on, but they're gonna cut you up and take a look). It was this illness/surgery that required me to take a leave of absence from Medical School.

Unfortunately, I just never went back to school.

I know, I know, I'm a stupid bitch. Who leaves Medical School on GOOD terms and doesn't go back. Of course now, most of my friends graduated in June of 2007 (hence my screen name...I was supposed to graduate WITH them), and are all in residency. I'm the fuckin' dummy who is just working as a teacher.

Don't get me wrong, teaching is a very rewarding career. My bills are paid, I'm no longer living at home, and I even have money in the bank. But I am only 1 1/2 years away from being a doctor.

Besides the fact that kids these days are not the kids that we were when we were growing up. I teach middle school (6th-8th grade) and so far I have had TWO pregnant students. They sing sexually charged lyrics like that new song "Bed" by J. Holliday. They all have Razr phones and some even have tattoos. They are rude as hell, and every day I get into a shouting match with one of them. I have to act like a str8-BITCH to get any respect from them. But for some reason, they do respect me. My guess is they don't get much discipline at home, and when I put them in line, then they like me. Weird logic, I know!! But by the end of the day, I am just physically drained!

All of this bullshit, and I could have been a fuckin' DOCTOR by now!! I feel so stupid right now I could kick my OWN ass.

So of course, there's the situation of my best guy friend, and the boyfriend MJ, that needs to be addressed.

Best guy friend (BGF) and I are still not on good terms since he tried to tell me what I could do and could not with my own pussy. If we see each other in passing, we speak. But that is about it. I see his teenage kids all the time, and they do not speak. It's sad because we used to be so close. But I guess that is life. Sometimes people grow apart....even as friends.

After 2 1/2years, MJ and I are no more. We broke up last week. It was definitely for the best. It's hard to describe it, but I feel like he just wasn't as supportive as he could have been. He never really encouraged me to follow my dreams or go back to school.

He is/was (or whatever because he still exists, even though WE don't as a couple) very complacent. The way he lives is just peachy-keen with him. He has no ambitions, no dreams, no drive (and a small dick to boot - ha ha!) He was born in Smalltown, lives in Smalltown, and will probably die in Smalltown. Fuck THAT!

There are no opportunities here. No colleges, no trade schools, no industries, nada. Just a bunch of people who get off on fucking each other and other peoples' men, women, or both. I just stayed to myself and MJ and I didn't really socialize with anyone because I don't get down like that.

I just know that I need to start making plans to move. There's nothing here in Smalltown for me. I want to go to Atlanta so I can go back to Med School. Since I never went back to my school, they pretty much "administratively" dismissed me. So transferring to another school shouldn't be a problem. My grades were decent and I don't owe them any money or anything like that.

One of my homegirls from HU lives in the ATL, and she loves it. So we'll see if it will be right for me. Besides, there are several Med Schools and plenty of hospitals for me to do my thang.

I'll discuss the gritty MJ break-up details later. It's still a little painful, but every day it gets a little easier. Another few weeks, and I'll be laughing about it - lol!!

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