
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Monday, March 27, 2006

the "M" word

me and the bf are still together. things are still going good, almost too good. i somehow keep expecting something to go wrong...but nothing yet.

to recap:

we've known each other for 10+ years since he lives next door to my cousins

we've been talking, speaking, hooking up, dealing with each other (whatever you wanna call it) since last July

we've been in a relationship since last November

we're even doing the total monogamy thing

all the sudden, here came the "M" word:

he asked me if i wanted to


i bet y'all thought it was the other "M" word - lol!! we've talked about that too, but nothing concrete.

at first he asked if i wanted to move in his place and he would ask his aunt to move out. i told him i didn't feel comfortable with that. can't just uproot the lady like that...she's been in that house since before he was born.

then he suggested we just move away from Smalltown for good and get a place together.

y'all, i really don't know. there's always that "what if" factor in relationships when two people move in together. besides it would be three, with my daughter.

i really want to do it, but "what if" something happens that i don't want to expose her to??

i'm not really an "advice" listening-to person if that makes sense. as usual, y'all's comments are always appreciated :)

Monday, March 13, 2006

i have had ENOUGH!!

i subbed last week for a third grade teacher. so these kids are what....9-10 years old? something like that. anyway, i have subbed for this teacher before, and had problems with two of the young men in that class. one young man was even sent home by the principal for his rude behavior.

THIS time however, i had to have FOUR young men sent home. y'all, they were so BAD!! one of them argued with me, another one hollered at me like he was MY father.

i lost my cool with that one, because i was hollering right back at him...i REALLY had to resist the urge to choke the SHIT outta him!! the principal was already in his way for another student when i ended up locking "hollering boy" outside the classroom. when the principal came, he asked why HB was outside. as i retold the story, HB started hollering again that he didn't care and i was lying. the principal reminded HB that he was talking to me and i wasn't talking to him. then he went ahead and took HB to the office.

at the end of the day, i was so spent, i said that was IT. the other teachers said they know HB well...ok, that kind of behavior is UNacceptable!! send him to one of those reform/military schools. i bet his ass will stop hollering at people.

"God was trying to tell me something" - definitely that day. i need to study and get my behind back in school. i'm just being lazy and i need to stop it. pretty soon, i really might choke someone's kid and get'll see me on the news and how people "would never think Angie was like that" - LOL!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

man yelling at cats video

do any of you out there watch web junk on vh1? i usually don't, just because it looked like a corny show. but i was watching the finale of celebrity fit club, and web junk just happened to come on next (and i couldn't find the remote).

anyway, the premise of the show is that they show clips that people have submitted to from all around the world. the one clip that had me laughing to tears was the one called "man yelling at cats".

at no time during the clip does the man harm, injure, or do any damage to the don't call PETA or ASPCA. but usually cats are so docile that you would think the cats ignore him. when you watch it, it even sounds like the man is laughing once the black cat goes outside. now, people are all upset, the clip has been taken off the vh1 website, blah blah blah.

anyway, here is the link for the "man yelling at cats" film on the ifilms website...what do you think??

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

the final frontier...

my relationship with my bf is going well. we still spend our entire evenings together, and have been since the end of november. it's quite nice...

we are very comfortable with each other. when we go out, we feed each other and eat off each other's plates. we're always goofing and laughing. most couples look at us like we're silly. when we're at home (he calls his house "our home") we are exactly the same...laughing and goofing around.

there was just one little itty bitty, teensy weensy problem....(because there's ALWAYS a problem)

the problem is...i could never bring myself to take a shit at his house (there, i said it).

of course, when i'm out and about, i can drop a load ANYWHERE (the mall, Wal-Mart, grocery store). my bowels just aren't shy, IF no one i know is around. but with the bf, that's different.

i would always make sure i went before i got to his house, or just held it until i got back home. that was until the other day.

there was this horrible stomach virus that was going around smalltown. somehow, the kids at the school kept passing it around to the adults. luckily, it was only a 24 hour thing, but it wasn't pretty. the bf got it, but he doesn't have any kids (go figure??). so i got it from him.

that was the WORST 24 hours of my life. my stomach was doing somersaults. my colon was so loud, he could hear it without being close to me. finally he says, "why don't you just go to the bathroom, you'll feel better"

but i just knew he'd laugh at me and tell everyone how much i stank. so i held on...until i just couldn't hold it anymore.

by far, that was the best shit i've taken in a long time!!

true to form, he laughed at me. he also told his entire family how i "blew up" the house.

but at least i'm not shy about it anymore :)~