
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Saturday, September 10, 2005


i was talking to one of my older cousins the other day (this town is full of my relatives) at our family's labor day cookout. i love him to death, and he's like my other brother!! we usually talk often and about everything, but we've both been busy. anyway, he asked about MJ. i told things between us were just fine, because didn't dare tell him about how miniscule MJ's penis is. knowing my cousin, he would have told everyone, and i know how sensitive men are about size :)~

then my cousin began telling me about his weekend. he said he had been cutting.....

of course the first thing i thought of was anatomy lab and how we had cutting rotations on our cadavers (so no one got tired of cutting every week), so i was a little confused...

then he said he, "messed around and fell asleep in her bed".

i had to chuckle to myself....since when has the female anatomy been renamed "cut"?? and the act of having sex "cutting"? Are they really using knives, swords, scalpels, etc. - LOL

and what is getting cut during the cutting process? the cut itself?? can you LOGISTICALLY cut a cut??

don't confuse me!! i already have enough sh*t in my head!!

i guess i need to get out more...

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