
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Mr. Right versus Mr. Right-now

two blogs in one night - i'm on a roll! actually i finally got my daughter in the bed before i crash myself, so what else is on my mind....

well, i met someone. actually i've known "MJ" for a while, but we recently began dating/having a sexual relationship.

everyone knows medical school students don't get out much. just watch any medically-related show (ER, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, etc.) and they are always f*cking EACH OTHER. because, well, that's all we have time for. working and f*cking....sometimes they don't even EAT.

personally, i detest all the people i go to school with, so i'd rather just do without. something about stabbing people in the back that keeps me from wanting to f*ck matter how good they look, what test answers they have, or how big the penis-print is in the scrubs (and yes, i DO look at penis-prints!).

then add in the single mom factor. i get NONE on a regular basis!

makes me think of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies:

Rod Tidwell: I feel for you, man. But a real man wouldn't shoplift the pootie from a single mom.
Jerry Maguire: I didn't shoplift the pootie.
Jerry Maguire: All right. I shoplifted the pootie.

of course i am well aware of shoplifters. i have a few of them chasing me right now. so again, i just kept my sh*t on lockdown and handled my business on my own (get my drift??). until MJ.

MJ is so different from my regular "type" - not that i have a type of man that i am looking for to settle down with, because that would be shallow of me, and i am by no means a shallow woman :)~

but i do have a "specific" preference....and he ain't got it.

i prefer tall men - and he's tall

i prefer light skinned men - and he's light skinned

i prefer attractive men - and he's very attractive, with light eyes (a plus)

i prefer LARGE penises...and unfortunately that's where he's lacking

it's not just small, it's really, really, REALLY small

but you know what? since we've been together, he makes sure i am "pleased" every time (and first - thank you very much), and like a Snickers bar, it "satisfies" me. but hell, i don't remember the last time i had any. it's like i've been out there starving, and someone just gave me a cracker. what if i realize that filet mignon is just around the corner??

right now, i like him and he likes me, and it's just nice. we still have our issues, but we are able to work them out and commnicate better than any other person that i've dated before. is that a sign that i've matured or that he's "the one"? probably just my maturity...who knows.

is he my future husband? hell if i know. i'm not off the market just yet, so we'll see how things go. his family likes me, my family likes him, AND my daughter likes him (yet another plus, because that girl is so mean that she hates just about everyone - long story for another blog).

you know how old folks "always say" something. they "always say" that when you start liking someone who is different than people you usually date, then that's the person that you're gonna marry.

would i be tempted to cheat???? ummm, yeah i would - but i believe in marrage so strongly that i wouldn't do it. but the temptation would definitely be there.

can i really spend the rest of my life with MJ and his miniature penis??? well, in that case, i hear they're best for anal sex...who knows??

1 - the # of people who hit me up:

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