
what happens when an overworked, undersexed, recovering nerd single mom goes to medical school? watch me attempt to keep my sanity and raise a productive member of society at the same time! what fun!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

School picture day

Today was picture day at my daughter's school. So of course, last night I searched through her huge closet looking for the perfect dress fit for a young "princess", the perfect accessories and earrings, and the perfect shade of lip gloss for a 1st grader - all this after I had already rolled her butt-length hair into the perfect style.

When we get to the school, all the other kids have on jeans, sneakers, plaid shirts, denim shorts and t-shirts, etc. Since when has picture day been dress down day? When I was a kid, ALL of my school pictures were taken in whatever dress my mom bought me the easter before. I always got MY butt-length hair done (press & curl - remember those??), and couldn't play outside and had to sleep in less pj's because I might "sweat my hair out" and waste my momma's money.

Luckily my daughter is not one to feel overdressed. She's headstrong but mannerable; highly intelligent yet humble; and as her teacher put it, "very reserved". At this age, she really doesn't care what others think about her clothes, shoes, hair, etc. So that's less for me to have to work on until, of course, she becomes a teenager :)

School picture day used to be such a big deal. What happened?? Maybe I'm getting old, or just old fashioned....

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